Skin pigmentation and its treatment by modern methods

Skin pigmentation is a disturbing condition that is dark spots that appear on the skin that are darker than its original color by several degrees, and the direct cause of its appearance is the increased production of the melanin colored pigment of the skin and the appearance of skin pigmentation is caused by exposure to some different factors that cause it, such as exposure Direct exposure to the sun or side effects of some diseases such as infections, which cause spots and pigmentation to appear, as well as with age, skin pigmentation arises from among the signs, along with the occurrence of wrinkles and sagging and can be alleviated by treatment and prevention.
Types of skin
- pigmentation Pigmentation that occurs after infections
- Pigmentation caused by some diseases such as eczema and psoriasis
- Skin spots due to contact dermatitis
- Pigmentation that results from direct exposure to the sun and is one or two degrees darker than the natural color
- Pigmentation due to hormonal imbalances called Melasma occurs during pregnancy, adolescence or post-menopause.
What are the causes of brown skin pigmentation
- Exposure to the sun without using protection or sunscreen creams
- Exposure to metabolic imbalances and thyroid problems
- Incidence of eczema and psoriasis
- Exposure to the wrong removal of hair on the body by shaving in the opposite direction of hair growth or using wax Exposing
- the skin to damage Such as sunburn or the use of chemicals and tattooing
- aging with lack of health care, drinking water and healthy food,
- following unhealthy diets,
- taking medications that cause side effects on the skin,
- hormonal irregularities due to pregnancy or breastfeeding,
- hormonal imbalances in adolescence or menopause in women.
Ways to remove skin pigmentation from the body
There are many problems of white skin pigmentation, black skin pigmentation and brown spots, all of which are annoying and affect the appearance of the skin in a way It is negative, so many solutions have appeared to get rid of it, such as:
- laser peeling
- method, superficial
- peeling method, crystal peeling
- method, light pulse
- method, dermabrasion method, the
- use of whitening and lightening creams
- the use of retinoids,
- salicylic acid creams, azelaic
- acid,
- some natural methods, such as the use of milk, aloe vera. , Apple cider vinegar.
Treating deep skin pigmentation naturally.
There are some cases in which it is advisable to resort to natural recipes and avoid chemical treatments, due to excessive sensitivity of the skin or due to pregnancy or breastfeeding, where we fear that the fetus will be affected by any of the medical materials. Here, natural recipes are preferred, and one of the most important of these recipes is green tea, Black tea, licorice extract, natural aloe vera gel, lemon, orange peel powder, potatoes, milk, turmeric. The turmeric method for treating deep skin pigmentation is one of the best effective methods that achieve good results, as turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances and works to unify the color of the skin. Skin This method is by mixing turmeric powder with four tablespoons of mustard oil to make a light paste that is unique on the skin and distributed well, left for half an hour and then rinsed.
What are the causes of skin pigmentation from the liver?
Dark brown spots occur due to the liver, which is responsible for the secretion of melanin in excess proportions as an allergic reaction to protect the skin during exposure to direct sunlight. And the shape of the liver spots is in the form of small brown circles in the form of points and they are called lenticular spots because they resemble lentil seeds. Sun liver spots in those over 40 years old. Skin pigmentation spreads on the body due to exposure to the sun, as well as liver spots resulting from the tanning process and radiation. Liver spots are smooth and flat, brown or black, and have rounded edges, sometimes as small as dots, and sometimes they may reach 13 mm and may They are connected together to form a whole area of points and those who are exposed to liver spots are mostly light-skinned and those who are exposed to sunlight for a long time or those who are undergoing therapeutic sessions with hair Aw, these spots are not alarming and can be treated by lightening and bleaching creams or chemical and crystal peeling or freezing. Liver spots must be protected by wearing clothing that covers the body, not being exposed to the sun, and using sunscreen before leaving the house for long hours.
Symptoms of skin pigmentation in the
legsDark spots appear on the legs, especially at the knees, which are caused by the increased secretion of melanin colored skin, a condition that does not cause concern, but it is a disturbing condition, exposing the legs to eczema, psoriasis, irritation, allergies, diseases and skin lesions. These diseases cause irritation and, in turn, lead To increase the secretion of melanin in this part of the leg where the skin discoloration with dark spots is just a normal response or a natural reaction to skin irritation, the symptoms of skin pigmentation in the legs are in the form of painful, swollen and dry parts that itch and may result in the appearance of wounds or crusts. Dark spots with irregular edges and multiple shades of dark brown. This may be a symptom of melanoma. The treatment of skin pigmentation in the legs is through the use of natural moisturizing with creams that contain natural substances such as aloe vera and the use of sunscreens with attention to food and drinking water in appropriate quantities For the body, it is best to use creams containing retinoids and hydroquinone creams, and in the absence of a response, laser or freezing techniques can be used. For chemical peeling or micro-needling (radio).
Symptoms and treatment of skin pigmentation in the hands
The direct cause of hands spots and the appearance of pigmentation in them is the increased secretion and production of melanin due to sunburn, which increases the darkening of the skin. And the routine of bleaching creams and exfoliation of the hands in a weekly routine by making home peelers such as sugar, lemon, sugar and coffee, and the skin pigmentation in the hands increases during pregnancy and menopause due to hormonal changes and the important reasons for the occurrence of these pigmentation in the hands Following an inappropriate diet in which there are few nutrients Which maintains the purity of the skin, such as the necessary vitamins that help the moisture and freshness of the skin, and one of the reasons that expose the skin to dangers is the use of chemicals or tattoos. All these irritating dangers may lead to the occurrence of pigmentation, but there is also a genetic tendency to the occurrence of these pigmentations. Allergies, vitiligo, alopecia, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and liver are among the diseases that have an allergic reaction on the skin that appears on the skin. In the form of pigmentation in the hands and arms, these spots may appear as a side effect of some treatments such as depression medications.
Skin pigmentation treatment in children
Skin pigmentation in infants and children is a common phenomenon, and brown in children occurs for several different reasons, which is a problem that worries the mother a lot. Burns are caused by eczema and contact dermatitis, which causes these red pigmentation, and there are also dark pigmentations due to exposure to the sun. Attention should be paid to placing sunscreen creams for children in open places or wearing long sleeves and covering the body during exposure to the sun and preventing direct exposure, attention to avoiding oily and greasy substances such as Vaseline. And oils on the baby’s skin because they cause clogged pores and sweat retention, which leads to burns on the baby’s skin. Eczema is the most common disease in children, which is a skin disease that causes itching, skin irritation and redness, and also spreads in the diaper area due to friction of clothes.
Causes of the problem of pigmentation of the skin under the breast
Sometimes large brown spots appear under the breast and are dark in color and sometimes lighter than the color of the skin, but it includes large areas under the breast and is mostly caused by tinea versicolor, which is a fungal disease that needs an anti-fungal. The so-called pityriasis rosea occurs, which are patches with a scaly surface and may spread all over the body. In most cases, the pigmentation under the breast is the result of an allergic rash, and this rash is due to high body temperature and the accumulation of sweat in this area, which leads to a bacterial infection Not drying the area under the breast helps to increase skin pigmentation or pave the way for infection with ringworm, which results from excessive sweating, and we must combat pigmentation under the breast by wearing soft cotton clothes that are free of polyester or synthetic fibers, and attention to cleaning and drying the area under the chest well with Try to stay away from the irritants that cause a rash in the area under the breast. Cold compresses and moisturizing creams can be used. In the case of a fungal infection, a doctor should be resorted to.
How to get rid of brown skin pigmentation after the
summer vacation Many people suffer from discoloration of the skin and the appearance of spots, especially after the summer resort, where direct exposure to the sun for a long time with swimming in salt water leads to an increase in the rate of skin discoloration and darkening. Some people may consider this a new appearance, but there is Some of them do this to acquire this burgundy or brown color, but others consider that this is pigmentation in the color and want to get rid of it. This dark color has appeared due to the increased secretion of melanin, which is colored in the skin as a protection as a protective reaction to protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, and treatments have emerged. And modern cosmetic techniques to get rid of, such as cryotherapy, which is useful in the event of the appearance of simple or single spots and does not include a large area of the body, where liquid nitrogen gas is sprayed, and the spot turns red and then a crust forms, which is removed after ten days so that the skin underneath acquires the natural color, and also laser treatment where The dark color is absorbed by the laser beams, resulting in some discomfort and minor redness, which heals within a day or two. There is also treatment with lightening creams that contain vitamin C and acid Exfoliator for the skin in safe proportions.
Treatment of deep skin pigmentation and getting rid of it permanently
Deep skin pigmentation may need modern techniques to treat skin pigmentation, deep pigmentation does not form quickly, but it takes a period of time to form deeper and is treated through drug treatment and creams as a first attempt and if it does not respond to treatment, resort to Modern methods and techniques such as acid compounds for peeling and skin-lightening creams, and taking care of using sunscreen before going out. If it does not improve, modern techniques such as chemical peels and laser technology are used, where the peeled laser beam is used in the treatment of pigmentation and the doctor determines the number and duration of sessions according to the shape and depth of pigmentation The skin, as for the crystal peeling, it works to stimulate the natural collagen to be secreted more to treat pigmentation and the effects of spots resulting from the remnants of acne or due to aging, which is a peeling tool used by the doctor in a certain way, and the technique of intense light pulses, which is to shed light beams It can reach the deepest part of the skin and it gives a good result, especially with deep pigmentation, as these rays destroy pigmentation T and destroy the pigment to get rid of dark spots.
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